Finnish Friendly Visiting Service offers help for Finnish speaking people around Melbourne, including personal home visits, information on aged care and health services, and social and physical activity programs.
A social support group held on Monday mornings at the Finnish Hall, which aims to enhance health and wellbeing and promotes active ageing.
Finnish-speaking volunteers are available to provide companionship to isolated elderly people or people with disabilities who are living in their own homes.
Help with accessing community and government services e.g. Local Government and community care services, Community Aged Care Packages, allied health, equipment, respite and carer support services, etc.
Become a volunteer to visit elderly Finns for a coffee, help with shopping, walk in a park and / or keep in touch via phone.
Become a FFVS member and offer your valuable help in organising events and activities.
You can support FFVS by making a tax-deductible donation. Every little helps.
© Copyright 2024 Finnish Friendly Visiting Service (FFVS) Inc. ABN: 69643202700 | REG: A0034647C